Sunday, April 09, 2006

We did it!

The garage is neat and tidy, BOTH cars even fit inside - at the same time!!! Now if I have to go into the garage for something (take out the trash, grab an item from the car) I don't dread it. I can easily maneuver and find what I'm looking for.

The previous owner left 2 large peg-boards behind with hooks. I filled those babies right up with lawn implements, extension cords, and step ladders.

During this exciting excursion we discovered a couple of unpacked boxes from when we first moved here in Jan?! We quickly disposed of those items - either donating to goodwill, finding a new residence inside the house, or they'll go to E-Bay for RET once RET sets up an account.

We also set up shelving (that was originally piled about the floor) and now all the paint, joint compound, tools, and other related items are stored together neatly.

Erik's diving equipment and golf clubs still linger on, hoping to get some use some day... either way, it's just fun carting them around the country, collecting new spider webs in every local.

We also found a few empty boxes that we'll be able to put to good use when I start packing everything up. We'll need a ton more of boxes and packing material but fortunately MIL has offered to give us all of hers once she unpacks. Her belongings should arrive in TN in a week or two.

I guess our next big job will be to tackle the yard. The grass is a bit over grown in some areas and seems to have male-pattern baldness in others. Dandelions have also taken root, so I suppose I'll have to yank those suckers out. Good times. Unfortunately I'd rather clean and organize than do yard work. Yard work sucks, but gotta sell the house, thus we gotta make it presentable to the world of would-be-buyers.


Pamela said...

I'm the exact opposite, I would much rather do yard work than having to do house work. Look forward to seeing you two tomorrow evening!!

Burt Likko said...

Hey, I'm glad I hung on to the diving equipment and golf clubs. It's much more likely I'll be using them in California than here.

Pamela said...

How did the book club go?

Anonymous said...

TL, there's a golf course under construction across the street from your new office.

Becky said...

The book club went great. Erik, as always, did a fantastic job at leading the discussion and really seemed to enjoy himself. It's so fun to see him in his element. I'm so proud of him!

Right now the poor fella is mowing the lawn. He did all the trim work and pulled up a bunch of weeds and now is finishing it up with the actual mowing. It looks so very nice.

Now our neighbors hopefully won't turn us in to the yard police! It was looking pretty bad.

I trimmed all the bushes and now have jelly arms. It's amazing how sore they can get in such a short amount of time. I hope to never have to do that again. I'm just grateful that we don't have nearly as many bushes, nor as large, as we did at the Estate!