Sunday, April 30, 2006

My Porcupine

My darling husband is growing a goatee and it's quite sexy. In honor of his facial hair I have dubbed him my porcupine. His stubble is a bit prickly, but that's o.k. I still kiss him. I'm just glad he keeps his finger nails well maintained and doesn't have claws like those of the cute little fella to the right!


Pamela said...

You are an amazing wife! I can't handle facial hair on Andrew. It is so coarse and scratches my face and neck too much. He knows that if he wants to be able to kiss me, that he has to be facial hair free!

Burt Likko said...

Yes, she is an amazing wife. I don't know what I'd do without her.

My face itches.

Pamela said...
