Saturday, April 08, 2006


Last night I stamped ten cards for up-coming events. Since we'll be hopefully moving in early to mid-June I needed cards for Mother's day, Father's day, friend's b-day, a thank you card, a congratulations card, and a blank card for any occasion. I figure in May I'll be busy packing and all my supplies will be boxed up. June I'll be busy unpacking, setting up the new place, looking for work, etc. so card making won't be on the agenda for a long while... sigh. Hopefully I can sneak one more card making session in before the packing begins.

Maybe the new place will have a room, a closet, somewhere I'll be able to keep all my supplies out and not have to put them away after each session. Right now that's not feasible. I stamp at my desk where I'm typically doing homework, blogging, etc. so I have to keep it neat and tidy. Then again, who am I kidding, even if I had a WHOLE room dedicated to my art projects I'd clean up after each session cause I'm such a neat freak. Hmmm, perhaps I can try to break that bad habit?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, planning now for your June correspondence needs. That's pretty good. We still have our 2003 and 2004 Christmas cards that we never sent out.