Sunday, April 30, 2006

Real Christians

I have two very good friends in TN who I consider to be true Christians. Not once have either of them ever tried to impose their beliefs, thoughts, values, or morals on me. Not once has either of them ever tried to convert me. Not once has either of them ever professed to be "a good Christian."

They live it, therefore they don't need to proclaim it. They known from within who they are and that shines outward making them some of the best people I have ever known. They are honest, good, caring, kind, loving individuals. They seek truth by asking questions, through genuine curiosity, being open minded, and doing their own research and not just accepting something at face value. If only all "Christians" behaved and lived as these two do.

I consider one of these incredible people as the sister I never had, you know who you are - PPod! And the other is the lucky fella married to Zap. I love you guys and will miss you terribly when we return to CA. I can't wait for you guys to join us on the West Coast!

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