Thursday, April 06, 2006

Teacher Teacher

Erik's teaching Torts to the students in the Paralegal Certificate program at UT. I'm so proud of him. It's fun to watch him prepare for his classes. He puts in a lot of effort into each session. He creates interesting hypos for the students, develops lesson plans/handouts, and my favorite... he talks to himself in the shower! I'll be putting clothes away or making the bed and wondering what on earth is that man chattering about in there? It's hard to hear what he's saying but every now and then I make out a word or two. Of course I always ask, "Who were you talking to in there?" I keep expecting him to say something like, "Giada, I'm just going over the menu for when she caters my b-day." But no, instead it's usually, "I was going over my lecture for tonight's class." Oh really? Heck, does it even matter? As long as the man is happy, I'm happy. Talk away shower boy, enjoy!

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